vendredi 26 octobre 2012

Classic Marlène Dietrich

CD français édité en 1996 par Signature et intitulé Classic Marlène Dietrich. Il s'agit d'une compilation de 18 chansons enregistrées par Marlene. Entre 1931 et 1945 ? Faux !

Marlene nous offre une très belle image d'elle-même, si élégante et si mélancolique au bord de sa piscine...

3 commentaires:

  1. Hi Fabrice,

    I see on ebay there's an auction for a 45rpm "Sonorama" of 15 Jan 1960, with Marlene ... do you know what's on the Marlene record?

    The ebay link:

  2. Hi, Missladiva,

    Yes, I got it. "Sonorama" was a kind of newspaper by the sound. In the review (when complete) you have several white records (very very thin, as thin as a paper) with short interviews, reportages, speeches or songs. You can see them in the link you gave me. In this one, you have a very brief interview of Marlene and one song. You have to "cut" the record to listen it and put under a traditional 45rpm. It was an original experience.

  3. The back cover of this CD is in the CD Marlene Dietrich - L'Ange bleu article and vice versa...
